How to opt-out of the anonymous analytics?

OptunaHub collects anonymous usage data to improve the service. The data is used to understand how users interact with the service and to identify areas for improvement.

Youn can opt-out of the anonymous analytics by setting the environment variable OPTUNAHUB_NO_ANALYTICS to 1.


How to configure the package cache?

OptunaHub caches the downloaded packages in the following locations.

  • The directory defined by OPTUNAHUB_CACHE_HOME environment variable

  • (UNIX-like) XDG_CACHE_HOME/optunahub

  • (Windows) %LOCALAPPDATA%/optunahub

The settings are prioritized in the order listed above. XDG_CACHE_HOME is usually ~/.cache on UNIX-like systems.

If you have any trouble with the cache, you can remove the cache directory to reset the cache.

How can I update an OptunaHub package already cached?

Calling optunahub.load_module() with force_reload=True ensures the selected package is re-download from the package registry.

I got the “403: rate limit exceeded” error when loading a package. How can I fix it?

Based on the GitHub API documentation, the primary rate limit for unauthenticated requests is 60 requests per hour.

You can increase the rate limit by authenticating with GitHub using a personal access token. optunahub.load_module receives an Auth object for authentication.

Another option is cloning the optunahub-registry repository and loading the desired package from the local directory by using optunahub.load_local_module.