FAQ === .. contents:: :local: How to opt-out of the anonymous analytics? ------------------------------------------ `OptunaHub collects anonymous usage data `__ to improve the service. The data is used to understand how users interact with the service and to identify areas for improvement. Youn can opt-out of the anonymous analytics by setting the environment variable ``OPTUNAHUB_NO_ANALYTICS`` to ``1``. .. code-block:: shell export OPTUNAHUB_NO_ANALYTICS=1 How to configure the package cache? ----------------------------------- OptunaHub caches the downloaded packages in the following locations. - The directory defined by ``OPTUNAHUB_CACHE_HOME`` environment variable - (UNIX-like) ``XDG_CACHE_HOME/optunahub`` - (Windows) ``%LOCALAPPDATA%/optunahub`` The settings are prioritized in the order listed above. ``XDG_CACHE_HOME`` is usually ``~/.cache`` on UNIX-like systems. If you have any trouble with the cache, you can remove the cache directory to reset the cache. How can I update an OptunaHub package already cached? ----------------------------------------------------- Calling ``optunahub.load_module()`` with ``force_reload=True`` ensures the selected package is re-download from the package registry. I got the "403: rate limit exceeded" error when loading a package. How can I fix it? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Based on `the GitHub API documentation `__, the primary rate limit for unauthenticated requests is 60 requests per hour. You can increase the rate limit by authenticating with GitHub using `a personal access token `__. `optunahub.load_module `_ receives `an Auth object `__ for authentication. Another option is cloning the `optunahub-registry `__ repository and loading the desired package from the local directory by using `optunahub.load_local_module `__.