How to Implement Your Benchmark Problems with OptunaHub (Advanced)

OptunaHub provides the optunahub.benchmarks module for implementing benchmark problems. In this tutorial, we will explain how to implement complex benchmark problems such as a problem with dynamic search space using optunahub.benchmarks.

For the implementation of simple benchmark problems, please refer to How to Implement Your Benchmark Problems with OptunaHub (Basic).

Implementing a Problem with Dynamic Search Space

Here, let’s implement a problem with a dynamic search space.

First of all, import optuna and other required modules.

from __future__ import annotations

import optuna
from optunahub.benchmarks import BaseProblem
from optunahub.benchmarks import ConstrainedMixin

Next, define your own problem class by inheriting BaseProblem class. To implement a problem with a dynamic search space, __call__(self, trial: optuna.Trial) method must be overridden so that we can define a dynamic search space in the define-by-run manner. Please note that direcitons property must also be implemented.

class DynamicProblem(BaseProblem):
    def __call__(self, trial: optuna.Trial) -> float:
        x = trial.suggest_float("x", -5, 5)
        if x < 0:
            # Parameter `y` exists only when `x` is negative.
            y = trial.suggest_float("y", -5, 5)
            return x**2 + y
            return x**2

    def directions(self) -> list[]:
        return []

    def search_space(self) -> dict[str, optuna.distributions.BaseDistribution]:
        # You can implement this property as you like, or leave it unimplemented (``BaseProblem`` provides this default behavior).
        raise NotImplementedError

    def evaluate(self, params: dict[str, float]) -> float:
        # You can implement this method as you like, or leave it unimplemented (``BaseProblem`` provides this default behavior).
        raise NotImplementedError

The implementations of the search_space and evaluate are non-trivial when the search space is dynamic. However, since __call__(self, trial: optuna.Trial) does not have to depend on both the evaluate method and the search_space attribute internally, their implementations are up to users. If possible, you could provide their implementations, but this is not necessary to make your benchmark problem work. Please note that calling them will result in NotImplementedError if you leave them unimplemented.

Then, you can optimize the problem with Optuna as usual.

dynamic_problem = DynamicProblem()
study = optuna.create_study(directions=dynamic_problem.directions)
study.optimize(dynamic_problem, n_trials=20)

Implementing a problem with constraints

Here, let’s implement a problem with constraints. To implement a problem with constraints, you need to inherit ConstrainedMixin class in addition to BaseProblem and implement the evaluate_constraints method. The evaluate_constraints method evaluates the constraint functions given a dictionary of input parameters and returns a list of constraint values. Then, ConstrainedMixin internally defines the constraints_func method for Optuna samplers.

class ConstrainedProblem(ConstrainedMixin, DynamicProblem):
    def evaluate_constraints(self, params: dict[str, float]) -> tuple[float, float]:
        x = params["x"]
        c0 = x - 2
        if "y" not in params:
            c1 = 0.0  # c1 <= 0, so c1 is satisfied in this case.
            return c0, c1
            y = params["y"]
            c1 = x + y - 3
            return c0, c1

Then, you can optimize the problem with Optuna as usual. Don’t forget to set the constraints_func argument to the sampler to use.

problem = ConstrainedProblem()
sampler = optuna.samplers.TPESampler(
)  # Pass the constraints_func to the sampler.
study = optuna.create_study(sampler=sampler, directions=problem.directions)
study.optimize(problem, n_trials=20)
/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.11.11/x64/lib/python3.11/site-packages/optuna/ ExperimentalWarning:

Argument ``constraints_func`` is an experimental feature. The interface can change in the future.

After implementing your own benchmark problem, you can register it with OptunaHub. See How to Register Your Package with OptunaHub for how to register your benchmark problem with OptunaHub.

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 0.092 seconds)

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